Who Are We

Ubimaldives is a non-profit organization (CR/02/2019) dedicated to achieving economic justice for all Maldivians through the implementation of a Universal Basic Income (UBI). We believe that a UBI will provide a foundation of security, reduce poverty, and empower individuals to contribute fully to our society.

Our work focuses on engaging stakeholders, building public understanding, and advocating for policies that will pave the way for a UBI in the Maldives. We conduct research, develop resources, and partner with policymakers, organizations, and the public to further our mission.

Our Vision

Ubimaldives envisions a Maldives where everyone has the resources they need to live with dignity and reach their full potential. We see a future where economic security is a fundamental right, and where a Universal Basic Income serves as a cornerstone of a more just and equitable society.

Our Approach

Ubimaldives is committed to transparency, collaboration, and evidence-based advocacy. We work to build bridges between diverse stakeholders, educate the public about UBI, and promote policies that are both effective and sustainable.

Join Us

We invite you to become a member of Ubimaldives, support our work, and be a part of building a better future for all Maldivians.